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Berea High School, Class of 1967

Berea, Ohio

Reunion Date: September 14th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

The Class of 1967

40th Reunion!

Hold these dates! Weekend of September 14-15, 2007.

Friday, September 14th - Cocktail Party; 7:00pm - 12:00 midnight (cash bar) at the

VFW Post 6676, 590 North Rocky River Drive, Berea

Saturday, September 15th - Social Hour 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Dinner and dancing 'til midnight at the 100th Bomb Group Restaurant & Banquet Facility, 20920 Brookpark Road, Cleveland (located behind the Airport)

Tour of Berea High School on Saturday; time to be determined.

Please contact Diane Bishop Palumbo at palumbodn@aol.com or Terry Sterling at tbsterling@yahoo.com or Cathleen Wing Disbennett at CelestialStorm@celestialstorm.net and mark REUNION in the subject area.

Reunion Contacts

Terry Sterling

Diane Bishop Palumbo

Cathleen Wing Disbennett
(440) 2257797