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West High School, Class of 1997

Waterloo, Iowa

Reunion Date: July 7th, 2007

An informal gathering is scheduled for July 6th at Friday\'loo in Lincoln Park.

The Saturday night event is at Beck\'s on Univerysity Avenue.

Please send $10.00 for each person planning to attend the Saturday night function to cover the cost of food and other expenses to:

WHS Class of 1997. 348 Ivanhoe Road. Waterloo, Iowa 50701 or contact me (katypoe@yahoo.com or 319-234-1120) for more information.

We are also looking for e-mail addressess or phone numbers of other classmates so please let me know if you have information on anyone else!


Katy Poe Harbaugh

Reunion Contacts

Katy Poe Harbaugh
(319) 234-1120