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Iowa City Regina High School, Class of 1967

Iowa City, Iowa

Reunion Date: June 29th, 2007

Join us Friday, June 29th and Saturday, June 30th at Coralville Marriott as the Regina High School Class of 1967 celebrates its 40th class reunion.
Friday night will be casual cocktails and conversation in the Marriott's East Terrace from 6:30-10p.m. with cocktails and food on your own.
Saturday night dinner will be in the Ballroom Salon from 5-12 midnight. Dinner will be $60 per person. Dinner reservations must be sent by June 15 to Bonnie Barnes McFarland at the e-mail listed below or to 3265 Hwy 1 NE in Iowa City 52240.
There are a block of rooms being held for Regina Class of '67 till June 8, 2007. Reservations must be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott @ 1(888) 236-2427 or (319) 688-4000. Room reservations
must be accompanied by a first night room deposit. Lots to do on Saturday, golf at Brown Deer, call 319-248-1766 for tee times....shuttle to Riverside Casio, shopping at nearby Coral Ridge Mall.... other day trips, Amana, Kalona, West Branch, Cedar Rapids....tourism info available.

Reunion Contacts

Bonnie McFarland
(319) 338-0296