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Bath County High School, Class of 1987

Warm Springs, Virginia

Reunion Date: September 1st, 2007

On Saturday, September, 1, 2007, we are going to have an “Adults” sit-down dinner for the graduates and their respective dates/spouses (no children for this) at the Ashwood Methodist Church in Hot Springs. (I am working on getting directions. According to Austin, it is on Route 220 below Valley Elementary School.) The meal will start at 6:00 PM, but we want everyone to start gathering at 3:00 PM that day. The cost with be $15.00 per person. I will be collecting the money and reservations for the meal. Please let me know how many will be with your party and remit the money to me NO LATER THAN Friday, August 24, 2007. We need this information for a headcount in order to get the meal ready for the 1st.

On Sunday, September 2, 2007, we will have a “Family Outing” day at Douthat State Park (children welcome for this). Directions: From I-64, take Exit 27 in Clifton Forge. Turn North onto State Route 629 (highway at exit ramp). Travel north three miles to the park entrance sign and another two miles to the park office. We have reserved Picnic Shelter #1. Meat will be provided. Cooking will start somewhere around 1:30 PM. We would like everyone to bring something to share for the afternoon meal. Please bring casseroles, vegetables, desserts, drinks, chips, snacks, etc. Parking costs and costs to the swimming area are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. It is on an honor system there for parking, so please be honorable (young grasshoppers!).


Personally, I am looking forward to seeing everyone at this reunion. It should be a blast!!! Please do your best to come. This only happens once in our lifetime so we really hope to see everyone there

Reunion Contacts

Dutch Deitz
(540) 772-0746

Austin Gwin