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Van Vleck High School, Class of 1987

Van Vleck, Texas

Reunion Date: September 14th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

Van Vleck High School 20-Year Reunion


Friday, 14-Sept-2007


10:30PM WEST STAR BAR & GILL (following Van Vleck’s Game)
107 12th Street, Bay City, TX 77414

Saturday, 15-Sept-2007

??? Tour Van Vleck HIGH SCHOOL (for anyone interested)

??? ASHWOOD PALM’S RETREAT — (http://www.ashwoodpalmsretreat.com/) Family Day…children are encouraged to attend. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs will be served.

??? AFTER PARTY (We are still working out the details.)

Those of you that need to make hotel reservations, arrangements have been made with HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS (920 Ave F, Bay City, TX 77414). When you call (979-323-9500) ask to speak to ARLENE ELMORE…and ONLY her. She has offered a special room rate of $80.10 (plus tax). Only 5 room have been blocked, so hurry and give her a call.

Please RSVP as soon as possible, by completing the bottom portion of this letter and return it by FRIDAY, 31-AUGUST-2007 (via e-mail is fine...just cut and paste).

Remit to:
Van Vleck Class of 1987
PO Box 775
Bay City, TX 77404

Name(s): ________________________
Phone#: ________________________
E-mail address: ________________________

____ Yes, I/We will be attending the reunion.
Enclosed is my check for $25.00/person / $50/family (submit as appropriate)
Remit checks to: Van Vleck Class of 1987, P.O. Box 775, Bay City, TX 77404
(Payable to Tina Hubbard)

I/We will be attending the following events: (Check all that apply)
 Van Vleck’s Homecoming
 West Star Bar & Grill
 Tour of Van Vleck High School
 Ashwood Palms Retreat
 After Party (details still be worked out)

____ No, I will not be attending the reunion, but enclosed a $________donation.

EVEN IF you are UNABLE to attend please return this form by 31-AUG-2007 for our guestbook.


Stay in touch,
Anna (Rodriguez) Cortez

Reunion Contacts

Anna Rodriguez
(979) 282-6460

Donnie Casey
(979) 240-5176