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Pine Bluff High School, Class of 1987

Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Reunion Date: June 20th, 2007

Here are the details:

Pine Bluff, Arkansas High School Class of 1987 20-Year Reunion is set for July 20 & 21, 2007. Friday night will be cocktails and food at the "Why Not" club on Main St in good ole PB. Saturday we will have a cookout (burgers and dogs) at Regional Park. Saturday night we will have a nice sit-down dinner at Harbor Oaks Club followed by drinks and dancing. This was a blast at the 15 yr reunion. Some folks dressed up (suits and evening gowns), others went more casual (khakis, slacks, cocktail dresses). The cost per couple is $135. Singles are $75. We have an acct set up at Simmons Bank under "PBHS Class of '87 Reunion". You may mail the checks to me for now at:

4624 Skymont Drive
Nashville,TN 37215

I will then forward them to Thaddaeus Handley in PB and he will
deposit all checks. We currently have an advertisement running on the local cable channel in PB with general info, as well as contacts for questions. Listed contacts are myself, Marty Gilbert, Laura Dickey, Mike Robertson, Thaddaeus Handley and Shelia Merritt.

See you there,
Richmond Ross

Host Hotel
Royal Arkansas
(Next to Convention Center)

Reunion Contacts

Richmond Ross
(615) 289-9101