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Thomas County Central High School, Class of 1997

Thomasville, Georgia

Reunion Date: June 30th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

Well Kids,

Guess it’s that time...we are old. I noticed no one had posted any information on here about the reunion. I am not the official planner, but there is a myspace page www.myspace.com/169520138.

You don’t have to have an account to view the page, but to leave a message you may need to sign up for one. Makesha West and Jennifer Lester are the ones planning. Fees are $80. The dates are June 29-July 1, 2007. June 29 is the meet and greet at the Quality Inn at 7pm, June 30 9am-2pm is Family Fun Day (location TBD), June 30 6:30pm is the Reunion at Quality Inn, July 1st is Church Service at First Baptist Church.

This is all the info I really have. I am just posting this because I know there are a lot of people not on myspace that are here. Please, questions should be directed towards the myspace page.

Can’t wait to see you all!
Melissa Poss

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