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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Center Line High School , Class of 1977

Center Line, Michigan

Reunion Date: September 8th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

Saturday, Sep 8, 2007
7:30pm -2:00am

Ernie's Kings Mill
16655 19 Mile Rd.
Clinton Twp, MI 48038

Tickets: $20 per person

No sales at the door-seating is limited- please mail today

Includes Reunion Celebration, Hot & Cold Hors d'oeurve Buffet, soft drinks, coffee, DJ, Dancing, Cash Bar

Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your check made payable to CLHS Class of '77 and mail by July 31, 2007 to:

CLHS Reunion
c/o Edith Kaptur-Burns
1717 Kilburn North
Rochester, MI 48306

For more info, contact:

clhsclassof1977@hotmail.com or Edith Kaptur-Burns at 248-650-3887 (after 6pm)

Spread the word. Please provide updated address or contact info.

Reunion Contacts

Edith Kaptur-Burns
(248) 6503887