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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Mariemont High School, Class of 1974

Mariemont, Ohio

Reunion Date: July 9th, 2004

The Class of 1974 Mariemont High School Reuino is set for July 9th, 10th and 11th...
Meeting place is The Mariemont Inn... In the Lobby of the Mariemont Inn for Friday Night  Starts at 7:00PM and runs long as we can stay awake...
Saturday July 10th a Golf Tournament has been set up please contact Greg Vogt at 703-898-7947

After the Golf outing  we meet again at The Mariemont Inn (Party Central!)... at 4:30 in the afternoon have drinks and chit chat till 6:30 then we get on a Bus and we go to The Satisfaction www.satisfactioncruise.com...............
On the Satisfaction we will have a sit down dinner, drinks, dancing and entertainment.............
After our 3 hour Cruise the bus takes us back to Mariemont Inn for more social hours.....................
Then on Sunday (Somehow) we get out of bed and  we have our final celebration as you are welcomed to bring your children to our Picnic/Party at Moundview Park in Newtown Ohio  Food/ Sports/Games/Drinks/Fun and to say our Farewells.............Free MHS 74 memorabilia for all attendees

Reunion Contacts

Greg Vogt
(703) 898-7947

Steve Ballard
(513) 315-3839

Donna Hall
(513) 307-4255