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Bangor High School, Class of 1987

Bangor, Maine

Reunion Date: August 25th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

Bangor High School Class of 1987 20th Reunion
Saturday August 25th, 2007
Sea Dog Restaurant
Banquet Room (Banquet Center Entrance)
26 Front St. Bangor
7-11 p.m.
Appetizers and cash bar
Entertainment: 80’s tunes 7-9 p.m.
afterwards; Live music on the waterfront
provided by Doug Hoyt’s band “Spilled Milk”
$15 per person
Pay at the door

RSVP by August 10th
to Renee (Haney) Perron
or 207-947-7402



If you would like to get a jump on the festivities, join us at Mark Greenleaf’s establishment; Carolina’s Sports and Spirits 16 Union St. (under the middle bridge) Bangor. Cash bar. No need to RSVP.

It will be a great weekend to be in Bangor!! Our reunion is the same weekend as the Folk Festival so there will be plenty of things to do. This also means that there will be limited parking in downtown Bangor. Your best bet is to either use the parking garage downtown or just take a cab (you’re going to need one by the end of the night anyway! HaHa).

Hotel Information:

The Ramada Inn at 375 Odlin Rd. in Bangor has blocked off 20 rooms for the reunion weekend. 207-947-6961. Tell them the reservation is for the BHS Class of 1987. The rate per room is $109. per night. Cut off date to reserve is Aug. 10th.

The Fairfield Inn at 300 Odlin Rd. in Bangor has blocked off 15 rooms for the reunion weekend. 207-990-0001. The room rate is 119. per night. Cut off date to reserve is Aug. 1st.

Reunion Contacts

Kim Jenkins
(207) 2991143

Renee Haney
(207) 947-7402

Sheila Wood