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Marshall High School, Class of 1987

Marshall, Texas

Reunion Date: October 19th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

Marshall High School Class of ‘87 - 20 Year Reunion

Dates: October 19th - 20th, 2007

Classmate Registration will include the following: COST $87.00 (individual)
- “Friday Night Lights” social at the MHS cafeteria 5:30pm.
- 1 Admission ticket for Friday MHS Homecoming Football Game. Classmates will meet downtown Marshall after the game (Location TBD).
- 1 Admission ticket for Saturday afternoon at J&B Circle-Ranch for fun and festivities from 2-4pm (catering provided)! (Directions will be provided).
- 1 admission ticket to Saturday evening Gala dinner, “A Night with the Stars”, at the Joe Weisman Building downtown Marshall at 7:00pm (catering provided). Dress code will be formal or semi-formal.
- 1 ‘87 Class T-shirt (additional orders may be requested)
- 1 Class of ’87 group photo

Guest(s) registration: COST $47 (one guest)
- 1 Admission ticket to “Friday Nights Lights” MHS football game.
- 1 Admission ticket to J&B Circle-Ranch
- 1 Admission ticket to Saturday night Gala dinner

Children registration: COST $5.00 (per child over 5)
- 1 Admission to J&B Circle-Ranch
- Food provided
- Activities

It is imperative to reach a goal of more than 100 classmates to enjoy the benefits of discounted pricing for the facility (Joe Weisman building, MHS cafeteria), catering, J&B Circle Ranch (catering & activities), and souvenirs. Our efforts are for you to start saving now to attend the event in October!!! Please make money orders or cashier’s checks payable to “MHS Class of 87”and send payment to the following:

Dexter Evans
4126 Curtis Court
Addison, TX 75001
(469)374-9232 home
Email: dexrevans@aol.com


Nick Johnson
2728 Garden Grove
Grand Prairie, TX 75052
(972)839-0966 mobile
Email: nickhj4@yahoo.com


Accepting Credit Cards via PayPal
Go to www.paypal.com and click on “send money” tab
Register with paypal and follow the instructions
Enter the following email address:

*Email updated information or questions to mhs_mav1987@yahoo.com

Please provide your contact information below in order for us to update our address book for future events. In order to reach our goal and make this reunion a success we must continue locating classmates and provide their contact information. Please encourage and send members to the following email sites to register and stay informed as well as allow Christy Earl to build our contact list:

Class of ‘87 group email: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MarshallMaverick87

Christy Earl email: cearl@mail.hockaday.org

Reunion Contacts

Roslyn Reed

Dexter Evans